
Donald J. Trump will be the next President of the United States, and Republicans maintained control over the House of Representatives and the Senate. Since the election results became clear, equity markets have rallied sharply. At the time of thisREAD MORE

Quarter in Review The S&P 500 Index rose by nearly 4% in the third quarter, despite numerous uncertainties, including a U.S. presidential campaign that continues to unfold as the most unconventional in recent memory. Stock markets were relatively calm throughREAD MORE

Lately, as we’ve been interviewing new clients, I’ve been seeing a lot more variable annuities in their portfolios. I find this a disappointing reality—most variable annuities are just too expensive. Let’s begin by understanding just what a variable annuity is:READ MORE

Quarter in Review Global markets were relatively calm for most of the quarter until June, when unexpected news from Europe shocked investors around the globe. Upending most forecasts and taking world financial markets by surprise, the United Kingdom voted toREAD MORE

John Oliver recently did a spot on his HBO show “Last Week Tonight” which highlighted the high fees paid by investors in 401(k) plans. As entertaining as his show was, it got me thinking about the main things that areREAD MORE