Financial Planning

A 2014 study of retirees done by Merrill Lynch and Age Wave led to the following conclusion: “Retirees say health is the #1 ingredient for a happy retirement.” Financial security, family and purpose were all important, but health was tops.READ MORE

The 40’s are a crossroads in a person’s life, financially speaking. When you reach your 40’s, you’re halfway between entering the workforce and the traditional retirement age of 65. It is a critical time for retirement savings because, in mostREAD MORE

Wealth management involves the integration of both financial planning and investment management. Once a financial plan has been developed to meet your specific needs, an investment management plan must then be designed with a portfolio to support it. However, it’sREAD MORE

Have you ever looked at an empty toolbox and wondered what should be in there? What are the fundamental tools that a craftsman absolutely must have? For financial planners, two of the most important tools are a person’s balance sheetREAD MORE

There has been a lot of concern about our foreign trade policy recently. We’ve all seen the US stock market’s reaction to the announcements of tariffs and trade restraints against China. But what about the larger implications for jobs, theREAD MORE