Financial Planning

Have you heard that the United States economy is doing great or that we’re heading for a downturn? Regardless of the source of your information, take it with a grain of salt. While it’s important to pay attention to theREAD MORE

Do you need a financial planner? Unless you work in a job where you’re required to evaluate investment strategies and know how to put together a successful portfolio, the answer is likely yes. There is a common misconception that youREAD MORE

You may be spending money without even realizing it. Even if you think you have a handle on your spending, it’s important to pay attention to where every single dollar goes. Hare are some money leaks that can really addREAD MORE

Is it important to maintain a high credit score in retirement? When you’re getting closer to retirement, you may not be focused on your credit score, assuming that your borrowing habits will change. And, for many people, they do. However,READ MORE

If you have the good fortune to receive an inheritance of $1,000,000, congratulations! Celebrate with a good bottle of champagne and offer a toast of thanks to your benefactor. However, financial advisors recommend a cooling-off period before you start spendingREAD MORE