For some people, retirement cannot come soon enough. They long for an end to the daily grind of working. Others can’t imagine not working — they may dread the idea of not being active and engaged in their profession. StillREAD MORE
Author: Jon Beyrer
With three major pieces of tax legislation passed in the last four years, we enter 2024 with more nuances, more inflation adjustments, more expiring tax breaks, and more rules to follow. Here are the highlights. To see all the details,READ MORE
As financial planners, we run a lot of retirement projections. We tend to assume a long life to account for the financial impact of longevity. Long life in our projections is typically age 96. The idea is that there isREAD MORE
It’s been said that the road to success has many turns. When the success we’re seeking is financial independence, the road can be bumpy, and the next turn can take you on a life-altering detour. Getting past uncertainty Managing financesREAD MORE
Interest rates have risen dramatically in the last year. By some measures, interest rates increased faster in 2022 than in any of the previous forty years. As a result, yields on short-term CDs, bonds, and other income vehicles have becomeREAD MORE