
At Blankinship & Foster, we believe the more informed you are, the easier it will be for you to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation. Below are a few of our recent blog articles and informational postings. Please use the menu on the right to view blog postings by category or search our site to find information specific to your type of situation.

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A 2014 study of retirees done by Merrill Lynch and Age Wave led to the following conclusion: “Retirees say health is the #1 ingredient for a happy retirement.” Financial security, family and purpose were all important, but health was tops.READ MORE

Phone call scams against the elderly are an unfortunate fact of life these days. According to the Justice Department, approximately $3 billion is stolen from seniors each year. Older adults are frequently the targets of aggressive scams that are allREAD MORE

We love our teen and young adult children dearly. But financially speaking, they can be more of a liability than an asset. We know that part of their growth is to learn that their actions have consequences. Sometimes, those consequencesREAD MORE

The 40’s are a crossroads in a person’s life, financially speaking. When you reach your 40’s, you’re halfway between entering the workforce and the traditional retirement age of 65. It is a critical time for retirement savings because, in mostREAD MORE

The most common IRA mistakes made in retirement are easy to avoid. While it’s true that the rules surrounding Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are complex, most IRA mistakes come from not asking the right questions or from trying to gameREAD MORE