Good Reasons that Your Financial Advisor Should be Local

When it comes to finding a financial advisor staying local can make all the difference. Unlike a large national chain or the impersonal nature of online platforms, a local financial advisor provides a level of personalization and service that’s hard to match. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), demand for personal financial advisors is expected to grow at a faster than average rate of 7% through 2028.

By hiring a local financial advisor, you can benefit from individualized, insightful and community-oriented financial planning services that many national firms may not provide. Furthermore, these advisors can better adapt to changes in the financial landscape, driven by their niche expertise, personalized services and technological innovation.

Independent advisors are more than financial planners – they are also trusted partners who help you understand how to meet your future goals. Let’s take a closer look at a few top reasons to work with a local financial professional and how they can make a significant difference in your finances.


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According to a 2021 McKinsey report about the power of personalization, 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. However, more than three-quarters are frustrated when service fails to meet those expectations. The standard of personalized service is especially important in financial management, where clients trust their advisors with their most sensitive personal information and money.

Working with a local financial advisor is about more than just face-to-face in-person meetings; it’s about building a relationship where your advisor understands your financial goals, personal values and unique circumstances. Over time this relationship fosters trust, allowing your advisor to adjust your portfolio specifically to you. This level of customization can lead to more effective financial strategies and a sense of security knowing that your advisor is truly invested in your success.

A local advisor can also guide you through the complex world of investments, helping you choose the right accounts, diversify your portfolio, and manage your risk. They have an edge over advisors with larger firms, as they know your community and can tailor their advice to your specific situation and goals. Moreover, they can keep a close eye on market trends and adjust your investment strategy as needed, providing a level of attentiveness that is difficult to find with larger firms.

For your day-to-day monetary needs, a local advisor can be a great asset. They can offer guidance on budgeting effectively, saving, and reducing debt. By understanding your financial habits and goals, they can recommend banking products and strategies that align with your needs, such as high-yield savings accounts for your emergency fund or effective debt repayment plans. By contrast, national firms may not be well connected with your local financial institutions, which could mean losing out on opportunities. When collaborating with a local advisor you’ll stay connected to your community and benefit from opportunities at local banks that you may have missed otherwise.


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Finally, planning for retirement is a long-term journey and a local advisor can help you every step of the way. From setting up and contributing to retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s to planning withdrawal strategies that maximize your savings, they can provide the expertise you need. Furthermore, they can help you understand and optimize your employment benefits, ensuring that you are taking full advantage of options like employer-matched retirement contributions, health insurance and other perks. This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of your financial life are working together towards your retirement goals.

Talking About Life   

Working with a local financial professional offers several advantages over online platforms or national chains, it’s a personalized service that aligns with your unique needs through short-term and long-term goals. But if you need more reasons to hire a local financial advisor, here a few:

  • Deep knowledge of their company and planning services
  • Deep expertise in financial products and services
  • Highly specialized, niche services that are accessible and affordable
  • Objective, independent advice vs. advisors who work on commission

The highest and most rigorous caliber is the “fiduciary” standard. Independent advisors who meet this standard are unbiased and put their clients first. That’s why Blankinship & Foster is a premier independent, fee-only family wealth fiduciary serving San Diego and Southern California. Rated as one of the Top RIA firms by Financial Advisor Magazine, we are firmly committed to upholding the highest standards of objectivity and ethics. We believe all clients deserve responsible financial planning and wealth and investment management.

Disclosure: The opinions expressed within this blog post are as of the date of publication and are provided for informational purposes only. Content will not be updated after publication and should not be considered current after the publication date. All opinions are subject to change without notice, and due to changes in the market or economic conditions may not necessarily come to pass. Nothing contained herein should be construed as a comprehensive statement of the matters discussed, considered investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell any securities, and no investment decision should be made based solely on any information provided herein. Links to third party content are included for convenience only, we do not endorse, sponsor, or recommend any of the third parties or their websites and do not guarantee the adequacy of information contained within their websites.

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